Tag: paleo

Candied Roasted Sweet Beet Salad

Candied Roasted Sweet Beet Salad

It wasn’t until I became an adult that I started to like beets. To me, they always tasted like dirt! OR, I had memories of my grandmother serving cold pickled beets and that just wasn’t my jam. But, now that I’m an adult (;-)), I […]

Shrimp Fried Cauli-Rice

Shrimp Fried Cauli-Rice

I’m SO excited for today’s recipe, you guys! It comes from my deep love of {really good} Chinese take-out that I sadly no longer have access to living in the great north woods of Minnesota. Also, I’ve discovered over the years that most Chinese take-out […]

Chocolate Caramel Coconut Bars

Chocolate Caramel Coconut Bars

I seriously love treats. I have had a sweet tooth since the moment I laid eyes on Little Debbies at a very young age. However, I also know too many treats are not great for us. It’s all about balance and finding a way to […]

Creamy Chocolate ‘Milk’ Shake

Creamy Chocolate ‘Milk’ Shake

Day 16 and we’ve got ENERGY!! I’m thrilled that everyone is still following along. Even if you’ve stumbled a little, pick yourself right up, dust off and try again. Your body will continue to thank you! And, after trying today’s recipe for Creamy Chocolate ‘Milk’ […]